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#GIRLFORGOOD Hourglass GIRL Lip Stylos | Hourglass 的新口红笔

The concept and vision behind these products is that each lip stylo's name is a reminder that women (or interestingly enough the marketing team at Hourglass has chosen "Girl") possess innate talents and qualities which we sometime forget due to personal circumstances or experiences.

I personally feel that it is interesting that Hourglass chose to use "GIRL" instead of "women". To me, it is about taking back the word "Girl" which can often be seen as a belittling word to describe a women (similar to shouting "oi boy!" at the waiter); and empowering and emboldening the women of today. So it is using a four letter word (another play on other infamous "four letter word") which is commonly used to degrade/belittle women to say "I am woman, hear me roar."

The primary spokesperson is Jenny Shimizu. As most of you might know, Jenny Shimizu is a ground-breaking model and spokesperson. Ms Shimizu was the first Asian to ever walk the runway for a major fashion brand (Prada) and was also the first minority ever chosen to be the first model to open a fashion show. So, she is a bit of a hero of mine. She's exudes toughness; strength and courage. Not exactly the kind of qualities one might associate with being feminine, but she is innately very feminine. She is also a very prominent activist for gay rights.

Ms Shimizu has claimed the qualities of "Icon; Futurist and Protector" for this campaign.

新的 Hourglass "GIRL Lip Stylo" 口红笔是非常漂亮! 我一打开它就感到印象深刻。 我被收集的麦加审查。一打开特别礼品套装,我已经有了一个深刻的印象。每个口红都是根标一个准值或特性命名的。这些产品的概念和愿景是每个的口红笔名字是一个提醒,所有的妇女拥有天生的才能和积极的品质,我们有时因个人情况或经验而忘记这些。

广告活动的信息是,使女人应该感到有权/能够。发言人是“Jenny Shimizu”。 着名的开创性的时尚模特和同性恋权利活动家。 她是第一个亚洲人在服装牌 (Prada) 时装秀走过跑道,她也是第一个少数民族人被选中打开一个重大时装秀。她选择了“偶像; 未来学家; 和保护者”。

The names of each lipstick/lip stylo are (in no particularly order): BELIEVER (信徒); CREATOR (创作者); EXPLORER (勘探器); SEEKER (寻求者); PEACEMAKER (和事佬); ACHIEVER (成功者); INFLUENCER (牵动者); DREAMER (梦想者); IDEALIST (唯心主义者); FUTURIST (未来学家); ACTIVIST (激进主义分子); INVENTOR (发明家); LOVER (情人); INNOVATOR (改革者); VISIONARY (高瞻远瞩); ICON (偶像); LEADER (领导人); LIBERATOR (救星); PROTECTOR (保护者) and WARRIOR (勇士)。

The shades are described as (my swatches are below, but note that your skin tone will have an effect on how the shades look on you):

Peacemaker - peachy nude - 桃子裸体 Idealist - honey nude - 蜂蜜裸 Futurist - mauve nude - 淡紫色裸体 Believer - peachy beige - 桃红色米色 Dreamer - peachy pink - 桃红色 Creator - soft pink nude - 柔软的粉红色裸体 Seeker - pinky rose - 小指玫瑰 Activist - neutral rose - 中性玫瑰 Achiever - deep mauve - 中性玫瑰 Influencer - deep rose beige - 深紫红色 Inventor - soft rose - 深玫瑰色米色 Explorer - soft pink coral - 软玫瑰 Leader - vivid fuchsia - 软粉红珊瑚 Lover - vibrant red orange - 生动的紫红色 Innovator - neutral red - 中性红 Icon® - blue red - 蓝红 Visionary - brick red - 砖红色 Protector - rich berry - 丰富的浆果 Liberator - deep berry - 深浆果 Warrior - deep plum - 深梅

Further to the campaign; Hourglass has also encouraged women to upload a photo of themselves or a friend on "" to engage in the conversation about empowering women. Hourglass 也鼓励女性在“”上传她们自己或朋友的照片,以参与关于赋权妇女的谈话。

The lip stylos retail in the USA for USD32 (before taxes). I think they might be around AUD46 (that's the current price for a Femme Nude Lip Stylo). 美国零售价为32美元。 我想他们可能在AUD46左右。

In comparison to the Femme Nude Lip Stylos; I find the consistency of these new ones to be richer; creamier and less drying. My Femme Nude stylos dried out pretty fast and I also found that the colour would slip a little bit. They have a demi-matte finish.

与现有的唇膏铅笔相比; 这些的新口红笔的密度都是致性更加丰富; 奶油和少干燥。

The GIRL stylos have a hydrating formula which does not "catch" or settle into the lines on your lips. I did not need to use a lip primer nor a lip pencil. Another thing that I like about Hourglass' Lip Stylos is that they have a "crayon" end to them. I have uneven lips, lipsticks that come in this format are so much easier for me to apply. 我喜欢这些口红的“蜡笔”格式,因为我觉得它们更容易申请。 口红颜色有半哑光效果。

Overall; I liked the shades they chose. I found all of them wearable for everyday. 综上所述; 我喜欢使用这些口红。 我觉得这些颜色适合日常使用。

They will be available in Australia from | 购买在 Mecca Cosmetica from 28 February 2017.

So, I'm giving this collection a 10/10 for quality; performance; packaging and the meaningful message behind them. 所以我对这个集合的评价是:10/10 (必须购买!)。

Swatches | 颜色

My Favourites | 我最喜欢的


这些是 我的最爱口红笔的。不仅是因为颜色,而且因为它们的名称代表我的才能和积极的品质


Yours Truly with Lots of Love, TeacupOfMakeup. 待会见! 可爱的小茶杯!

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